I just reckon you're taking the argument to another extreme...

  1. 1,908 Posts.
    I just reckon you're taking the argument to another extreme Banjar,my whole position on this is based on the fact that we should not have to compromise our way of life to accomodate other cultures.... NOTE....i did not say ban other cultures.But it would seem to me that when people come to your house you have a set of standards that apply and you should not have to alter them for your guests. If, as you argue this is not what is happening, that this is not what the large majority of Muslims are seeking...then its all good.As with anything a few can make life difficult for many.For the record I do not feel inferior,i have National pride and last time i checked that was not a sin. How does the Muslim population reconcile the fact that they are duty bound to take their message to the 'infidels'?, it's hard to do so without having the non receptive take exception. .... I don't claim to know this stuff Banjar....I'm on a learning curve , my views might be fairly simplistic but i have a feeling they represent quite a number of people....if I'm wrong I'll stand corrected. But as an Aussie I'm not going to lay down and say OK....we'll do it your way. Many people fought and died for our way of life....I for one don't take that lightly.
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