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Polish Coal Market Update - Bogdanka Comments, page-21

  1. 3,906 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 109
    You really should read up on DreamCatchers posts. Then ask yourself this. If they will be in production as claimed in one year why pull your company from the ASX. To save costs for a year? Really?

    Wouldn't you want to see updates of the plant being built. Mike and Derek with a Monte silver shovel, provided by Milos, throwing the first few shovels of the 2% sulphur content coal onto the conveyor belt? Meanwhile the trainloads of coal from mother Russia are still getting into Poland because it is cheaper for Poland buy it from Russia than what it costs to buy it. Once renewable energy comes into play where you can store power from the sun into batteries that will run your house at night it will be game over for the coal industry. Along with Nuclear energy they spell the end for mainstream coal usage.
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