polish people against immigrants., page-11

  1. 1,770 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    Absolutely brilliant job, Poland. Rational, peaceful demonstration. They've seen the damage being done to their European neighbours and quite rightly want to prevent the same thing happening in their own country.

    You would think Australia has at least the same amount of control over its own destiny, if not more. Why the apathy here? They seem to think their media is just as biased as ours, yet they are well informed.

    Is it because of our geographic distance from the chaos? The amount of Polish people traveling to, and working in, Italy, Greece, France, Germany etc. able to make regular assessments of the situation and pass this knowledge on to friends and family. Whereas only a small percentage of Australians are willing to spend a significant amount of time informing themselves about the situation using less-biased online sources. And when we try to pass this knowledge on it is much more difficult for people to engage because we lack the firsthand experience.

    Is our isolation affecting our judgement ? I wonder what it might take for Australians to see things as clearly as the Polish people in that video.
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