since the Trump news heated up we've been getting a good range...

  1. 46,525 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    since the Trump news heated up we've been getting a good range of threads. yet this has upset a few.

    we've been discussing Indonesia, China, UK as well as US. we've had wars and famines in other lands, global emissions and atmospheric change, EVs and China's coal fired power stations (yippeee) and ***king nuclear. all related in one way or another to Aus politics and even if the connection is tenuous we've enjoyed free speech.

    lots of posters start threads. some few have complained regularly, a few have done so single post. but its probably worth starting the discussion to decide if the 'traditional' claim the Political debate forum is for Aus politics only.

    I thought about a vote but given the clear majority are conservatives I think any vote would be a foregone conclusion.

    so @moondoong. would you like to kick off with your explanation?

    also @thehead (sorry can't find you) can give his/her explanation too. very good post a couple of drays ago,
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