From where I sit, overseas and not fully in the loop. It looks...

  1. 46,677 Posts.
    From where I sit, overseas and not fully in the loop. It looks to me like Morrison is finished.

    Australian fires in the media worldwide.

    We've hit the big time for a while at least.

    Federal government does not have direct responsibility for the fires that is a state government responsibility, always has been. Some of the comments and allegations made against him and the federal government have been ridiculous and totally wrong.

    But it wasn't taken seriously by the federal government IMO and he hasn't handled the political issue very well at all. Going on holidays when fires were raging wasn't smart.

    Response has been slow. Too slow.

    Feds should have got on the front foot and been much more proactive. Politically even if it was just jawboning and telling people what they wanted to hear, it would have been better than what's happened to date.

    Fairly or unfairly Morrison has come across as fake, uncaring and not really interested.

    I think he will continue to struggle with the job. I don't believe he will be challenged because neither major party wants to go through that again. But he's got a hell of a job to win back respect from voters imo.
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