politics of guns, page-10

  1. 6,113 Posts.
    "Why all the hoo haa over the Adler 7 shot model lever action shotgun?"

    Well the "hoo haa" is all about passing a Bill and restoring the ABCC to help reduce the cost of Infrastructure, and
    control Unions. However the Union bit requires a bit more work on the exemption clause.
    "Senator Roberts flagged One Nation's more ambitious plans for industrial relations reform on Monday when he backed the government's legislation to prevent Victoria's Country Fire Authority agreement from undermining volunteer firefighters.

    "Our country's IR system is broken, and as a party we will have a lot more to say about this in the coming term of parliament," he told parliament.

    Read more: http://www.copyright link/news/policy/industrial-relations/one-nation-wants-accc-chairman-rod-sims-to-look-at-ir-20161011-grzjie#ixzz4NZALzoEY
    Follow us: @FinancialReview on Twitter | financialreview on Facebook"

    Bill Shorten is just trying to cloud the issue with "smoke and fear" againnnnnnnn!
    It's probably referred to as a"diversionary tactic"!(i.e. talk about everything but the issue)
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