Goon says:"A 'first nooky' forum would have some appealit...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Goon says:

    "A 'first nooky' forum would have some appeal
    it seems.... except for us virgins...
    but it'd be hell of a learning tool."

    I hope this advice hasn't come before
    'Brewers Droop' has ended your capacity
    for learning 'on the job' - but
    God or Evolution has given
    you a non-literary
    'learning tool'.

    All you need is the courage or
    the foolishness to ask a
    potential victim if he or
    she will stand still
    (or lie still) for a
    minute or two
    and your days
    of virginal
    will be

    Provided (of course) that 'Brewers
    Droop' hasn't ruined your
    conjugal capacities! (vbg!)

    All of which reminds me of
    'Durringa' - the nickname
    that an older and more
    worldly-wise Ag College
    student who had a theory
    (about women) that he
    put into practice on the
    steps 'under the clocks'
    at Melbourne's very busy
    Flinders Street Station
    when he was on holidays
    from Ag College to pass
    the time without having
    to steal hub-caps to
    amuse himself.

    Durringa would stand
    'under the clocks' as
    hordes of young women
    who had knocked off
    from work were pouring
    into Flinders Steet Station
    and he would pick out a
    lovely 'target' and say:

    "How about a few beers over at
    Young and Jacksons and then
    we coud hop into bed at
    your place or mine?"

    Durrringa coped an awful lot
    of slaps in the kisser BUT
    he got enough takers to
    make his holidays in
    Melbourne worth all
    the slaps in kisser
    ten times over!

    And car-owners had one less
    hub-cap stealer to worry

    But best of all, he knew the
    beers would not be wasted
    on false Dawns!

    I don't know what happened to
    Durringa - but he would have
    a splendid Venture Capitalist!
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