Polygamists disciminated against, page-23

  1. 5,963 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 111
    Government should not be involved in marriage period.

    The first Gay Divorce Lawyer firm opened in US only days after its historic decision to redefine marriage.

    Is it a surprise Divorce Lawyers were big funders of Gay Marriage?

    If Individuals want to marry; the worse thing to do is involve the State.

    Personally what consenting adults do with their naughty bits is none of my business. I have 3 Moral Principles that I believe in whole heartedly:

    1/ First Do No Harm: Do not Murder; Bear false Witness; Steal; Lie; Hurt or Commit Fraud.

    2/ Mind my own affairs: Privacy is a Fundamental Human right.

    3/ Children are the Point of it all so teach them right from wrong: As a society we are only as good as our parenting so I don't judge a Couple or more by their choices together but by their Parenting. western society is not even having enough children to replace us; this is stupid and bad things will come of it. Everyone to help Australia should have that 3rd Child !

    In my opinion the morals and character of an individual and their partners are their Destiny; not their amount of people but their quality of people. Take for instance the Redistributers of this world. They simplistically believe taking from producers and giving to the non-Producers will solve anything. It does not; nor has it ever produced wealth. Now take for instance those who believe government can control and manipulate the marriage between consenting adults. This also is simplistic because people are all unique and one size fits all is an insane presumption.

    Worse still is when a group uses the State to enforce the taking from another group; for instance the Divorce destroying men completely. For 50 years that has been built upon the Welfare Father but as we can see that cannot last forever just like overprinting ends always in disaster.

    The single biggest determiner of a child's future outcomes is.... Whether or not the Father is in the Home.

    As societies end this welfare madness what will occur is women realizing dissatisfaction is a stupid reason to divorce and give all the money to lawyers. In fact the Women who divorce for shallow reasons within 5 years almost all regret their decisions. Funnier still they have surveyed American Women; the Benifiters of this Vulture State control over Divorce Outcomes and they are the most unhappiest women in the world by 40 ! They found in surveys they are incredibly unhappy and on mood drugs and complain of not finding quality men.

    So I don't think it is important who marries to who; it is a liberty thing for me. My only tip is prenuptial agreements and choose a woman that is calm and motherly and hard working exhibiting virtue and intelligence. This is why allot of Western Men are going to Asia these days!

    Any way could be wrong; have a great Sunday! Brisbane looks Amazing!

    Kind Regards
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