Ponder this on a Cold Sunday., page-20

  1. 1,877 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I am a self employed private sector taxpayer and a father of three, what gives me the irits big time is the multiplier effect of people who have neither jobs or selfrespect breeding more of the same like rabbits (thats what the stats are telling us), think about this before you scream dogooders, how much respect does someone have (for both the child and themselves) when they have no money no job no future and just keep breeding.

    If those same people apply to buy a new house or car and cannot demonstrate the financial ability to do so then its sorry, you can't afford it, end of story, but on the other hand, sadly, no one says jack s***t if they have ten kids which costs ten times as much, all on welfare all with little chance of breaking the cycle.

    Now I ask any reasoble person why, when the cost of parenting a child are so high, should I carry the tax burden for such irresponsibility, the answer is I shouldn't and the country is fast approaching the time when it won't be able to either.

    The answer lies in self responsibilty and it should be legislated so that if you fail to exersise that responsibilty then the state should step in with compulsory measures to halt unwanted unafordable pregnancies before they occure, fully funded birth control in any form (male and female) is far cheaper than babies, it saddens me no end to see whats occuring now with the ever increasing numbers of unwanted and unloved children showing up in our community.

    Only idealist and social engineers with vested interest could justify the disasterous child support legislation that is operating in this country today, just think about the rediculous situation that has evolved here, no real money is offered for child planning, parental support or free birthcontrol but there are a thousands of little dogooders out there getting a rediculous wage pretending to really give a s***t about the messed up kids there flawed policy has help produce in the first place.

    Get in your thick heads dogooders the state cannot replace the family without disasterous conscequences but I supopose that just means more governement paid jobs with supa and stress leave and paid holidays and govenement car, I mean it's ideal really why change it, some one else is paying, well me I would rather buy them all a house and car each in exchange for them not being able to have any more kids, everyone wins that way.
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