Poor Fellow My Country

  1. 10,415 Posts.
    No, not Xavier Herbert's book.

    Following yesterday's figures, and MYEFO due out in a few weeks which will almost certainly be more bad news, economists, commentators and ratings agency are stressing the importance of Budget repair.

    Shorten has no interest in doing so, as he is having great  success taking the populist line approach and being a spoiler. Helps him in the ratings so far, even if it is short sighted.

    MT and Morrison don't seem to be up to the task. MT is a populist, not a conviction politician. He realises unpopular decisions will make him even less popular. He'd prefer to be a spender anyway. Morrison seems to be struggling, and has already been thrown under the bus once by MT.

    Meanwhile, the nation wallows. Neither leader is a conviction politician, both men harbour enormous personal ambition to retain or gain power at any cost. Buggar the country!

    Last night I saw on TV an interview with Peter Costello. In typical fashion, he cut through the BS and delivered a simple message about reining in debt and implementing repair - a compelling, comprehensible and simple message. Why can't our leaders sell it?

    Like most of you, I have children. Some of you have grand children. I am acutely aware of the selfishness of passing on inter-generational debt. It's our problem - so we should fix it - fix it without increasing taxes which would only strangle the economy more. Learn to live within our means. I'm not hopeful - about half of households now pay no nett tax. That percentage will increase. Then it is all over, red rover!
    Last edited by frasier: 08/12/16
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