pope says stop it, page-13

  1. 1,710 Posts.

    "Frankie.Your post suggests you posted it in very early hours of the morning.Have a rest."

    Interesting how some people judge others by what they think themselves.

    For your info Florian, I work nights, sleep during the day usually. Hence I posted this during the early hours.

    Sorry if me working nights upsets you AND/OR I am DIFFERENT to you.

    I have read all the posts on this thread and I think the general feeling is that this man is a bit of a goose.

    I think also that most in our society would agree that there is no institution quite like the Catholic Church for hypocracy. Most religions are the same. Actually, most religions are about control.

    Whenever man has "defined" or "interpreted" any words from anyone, those words will always be perverted.

    An eye for an eye and turn the other cheek.......which one would you like?

    No doubt most would choose the one that best suited their particular need at that particular time.

    Ah yes. And why all the different denominations in the Christain faith, the Muslim faith, and Budhist faith, etc etc.......why? Because of interpretation by man of a word written or spoken. That's why, save for King Henry V111 who created the Church of England which caused so much political strife in England that lasts even to this day. {Northern Ireland}

    The point I am trying to make here, is that whatever man can manipulate, he will. {I use "man" as generic meaning both men and women}

    For the head of the Catholic Church to make these comments when many in his church have been involved in the most vile of abuse imaginable, is both hypocritical and perverse.

    I have my own faith and my own belief. I respect those who believe what they wish to believe. I also believe that if more of the world were respectful of other religions, the world would be a much better place in general.

    But please....Mr Pope. Save us the rediculous nonesense for another century.....please.

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