even more bad news for Robby:What a career politician! Maybe he...

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    even more bad news for Robby:

    What a career politician! Maybe he should volunteer his pension to the 4th pod! Goodby RO
    Posted by boomer, 7/09/2010 4:50:07 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Oak is a bore. Please stay of the TV for 6 months. Does anyone believe he was not always going to go with the ALP? You are not fooling anyone Oak so please don't pretend it was a close decision as you are very see through.
    Posted by AA, 7/09/2010 4:55:15 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Good on you Robbie O ,, I am looking forward to the extra funding to Pacific Hwy between Port Macquarie and Kempsey you got out of your deal, The Nats never did anything for the Manning Valley, Mark Vaile was just a puppet to the city based Libs
    Posted by daintreedave , 7/09/2010 4:55:35 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Posted by SWF, 7/09/2010 5:00:35 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Oakeshott looks like he's always been a Labor man just hiding under the" Independent " banner .Well we now know the truth about him . He was not interested in ever listening to the people of Lyne only listened to Labor . I hope the voters of Lyne wont vote for a so called "Independent " because a vote for an Independent is a sure vote for an incompetent Labor Government and with the State Elections coming up do we really want NSW Labor in again ?
    Posted by spotter, 7/09/2010 5:00:39 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Sorry Rob , I will definitely not be accepting this disgraceful decision. You have betrayed your predominantly conservative electorate , you have given an horribly inept, money burning, soap opera joke of a government another chance. Your true colours are now exposed . You have endorsed the most left leaning government in our history and it is going to cost us and in 3 years time it will cost you. Generally politics doesnt really register with me in any big way but after watching your performance over the last 2 weeks and then your decision to back this disgraceful government (now with the greens in tow) , you have inspired me to volunteer to help out which ever conservative candidate is running , and do my bit to vote you out. 2013 cant come soon enough.
    Posted by stamford, 7/09/2010 5:04:12 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    I had a gut feeling you would do this Rob. Why did you drag it out so long? I agree with the above comments - bring on 2013!
    Posted by Miss Disbelief, 7/09/2010 5:12:23 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Of course Mr Oakshotte is a Labor supporter, he has been conning us, and all along revealing his shady character behind that silly grin. He has Labor's Master Spin Doctor Hawker at his side, do we need more proof of his leaning? Well there is more, Ms Gillard just confirmed that he is the only one of the independents and Green MP she has offered a cabinet position. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more. If it walks like a Duck, if it swims with Ducks, if it looks like a Duck, then it cannot blame people for calling it a Duck.
    Posted by John, 7/09/2010 5:26:51 PM, on Port Macquarie News

    Rob is out of touch and just full of himself he better enjoy this term in parliment as it will be his last
    Posted by office, 7/09/2010 5:30:43 PM, on Port Macquarie News......and now he has to face the people of Lyne....the very people that he was employed to represent. Rob O just committed political suicide.
    Posted by Lindsay, 7/09/2010 5:31:22 PM
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