I utterly identify with what you are saying. I have been asked,...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    I utterly identify with what you are saying. I have been asked, when I tell friends some of the things i have read on HC, why I read them. My response has been that it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the views that seem obvious to us are likewise obvious to others . instead I find views so utterly alien to me that i do not know what to make of them or what their experience of like has been to make them think that way.

    It does however tell me much about why all that hope and those dreams for a socially just world which were so much part of my young adult years and shaped my whole life seem sometimes to be so absent from our economic, political and social policy.

    It also helps me make some meaning of my own life. I do not know how it has happened but it seems those attitudes and the skills that I built seem ill suited to the era we currently live in. It seems we have abandoned the value of thinking through consequences, understanding underlying causes of problems and finding solutions that really do create win wins.

    We seem now to live in a world of winners and losers. Worse though in some ways has been to see that some people whose views I might agree with in part, hardly practice what they preach and instead choose to use unpleasant, often abusive and regularly dismissive language to argue their point. no seeking reason, but just venom.

    as you say Reason, facts, arguments make no sway on any topic.

    However we can still do our piece.

    this clip is another reminder of the dream and the call of martin Luther king - a man who was hated simply for asking America to live out its promise.
    how prophetic was it?

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