ITE i.t.& e limited

possible reason for aim weakness, page-3

  1. 399 Posts.
    it&e (ITE).

    Good Morning everyone,

    and Hi there to Splain and thanks for the good spirit with which you introduced the Silly Report.

    And again Splain, thanks for your interest as well...!!...

    But this Report, might cause UNDUE worries and irrational fears; so imo, it might deserve a quick note in reply, and so herein below is the obvious short reponse.

    .....What a silly Report ....

    So to Splain and the gals & guys who might have got a bit scared by the silly report; listen, read and most importantly think--yes--THINK-- about to this:

    it&e...(ITE) is all about variant independent perception and analysis—it is not about a Consensus based on years of previous profits and earnings, where everyone already knows all about the Stock....

    That is why it is a bargain.

    That is why we need to go through another week of the "walll of unnecessary worry"

    The fears (groundless) and worries(groundless) often with great Stock Bargains ....and that which is misunderstood and new....Come with the territory.....

    Re the little Report.... well what can I say...???

    This little “write up” is not well researched— although it makes out it is—but it is simply a selective—.....and I mean selective,...... re-hash of past on the record information—which is inexpertly cobbled together -- —and has unfortunately; all the hallmarks, of someone with a secondary --- “not what it appears” ---agenda – an agenda driven by the fear of a threat by a more competitive operator—and/or a share price manipulator.... who simply wants her/his friends get the shares at a discount.... by scaring off those easy to dislodge.

    If either case is true; as I suspect it may be, then this is a cynical exercise not to be taken seriously, and not—NOT—very nice at all, if it causes unnecessary and irrational fear (which is its intent)-- in newer Investors. ....

    Whoever wrote this little piece; is really just a lazy minded person; who lacks either deductive or inductive reasoning skills— and therefore; where she/he draws a erroneous conclusion, and fails to check the credence and veracity of her/his information and facts.

    Let us then, calmly, go though the Report, clause by clause..... and let me demonstrate why it’s conclusions lack merit, are plainly false, and also, to demonstrate the flimsiness of many of this person’s assumptions. ....

    Let me disect it now ...

    it&e IT&E – Report----- Recommendation: Avoid

    Background - IT&E, a software solutions and consultancy services provider to
    the global banking sector, listed on AIM on Tuesday.

    The company was established in June 1999.

    The shares were already traded on the Australian Stock Exchange.

    IT&E is headquartered in Sydney and has offices in Melbourne
    , London , New York and Chennai in India . -- (Agreed)

    The company has issued 12.6 million shares at 4.75p per share valuing the company at £10.05 million on admission. The gross proceeds of the placing were around £600,000.-- (Agreed)

    The company is listing to increase its profile in Europe and UK and hopes to
    enter the European market where the company is confident that it will
    achieve a strong customer base.-- ----(Agreed)

    Operations –

    IT&E is run by a very skilled team of specialists who provide
    technology services and risk consulting to the financial services industry. (Agreed)

    The flagship products of the company are RazorTM, PTXM and Monarque(R). (Agreed)

    Razor is an enterprise risk management product that allows financial
    institutions to manage their credit and market risk management requirements.

    (Agreed -- But “the writer-? ” has not significantly “weighted the intrinsic value of this, by only giving one line to the Core Value Driver of ITE....)

    PTX is a multi-asset web-based transaction platform that enables financial
    institutions to perform on-line trading over counter securities across
    multiple asset classes.

    (Agreed, -- But “the writer-? ” again, has not significantly “weighted the intrinsic value of this, by only giving one line to the Core Value Driver of ITE....)

    Monarque is an application of 'modularized program
    suites' that is designed for trading and processing of financial instruments
    and supports the trading and treasury management at major banks and broking

    (Agreed, -- But “the writer-? ” again, has not significantly “weighted the intrinsic value of this, by only giving one line to the Core Value Driver of ITE....)...

    *** What the writer did not... yes, unfortunately—did ....Not .... -- therefore do; is elaborate on WHAT ITE’s products actually “do” what they do in such a superior fashion-- which makes them Superior and Competitive in the Markets-- , and why the Unique Flag-Ship Products have and a: Unique Sustainable -- Competitive Advantage....

    Why not for example; include at a bare minimum; the following:

    • Razor, an enterprise risk management product;

    • PTX, a multi-asset online trading platform; and

    • Monarque, an application of modularized program suites, designed for the trading and processing of the entire spectrum of financial markets instruments....

    These products may be integrated to provide a complete risk management and multi-asset trading solution for financial institutions.


    IT&e's Razor product, which received Risk Magazine’s 2004 Risk Management Software Product of the Year award, is a risk management application designed to meet the market and credit risk management needs of a financial institution or bank.

    Razor offers a number of methods for measuring market and credit risks.

    Razor’s high performance system provides near real-time calculation of market risk exposure using Monte Carlo simulation (a technique which obtains a probabilistic approximation to the solution of a problem by using statistical sampling techniques) and historical simulation.

    This enables organisations to measure their risks accurately when they occur, rather than resort to approximations.

    The limit management functionality enables market and credit risk to be managed across an enterprise on a fully integrated basis.

    This provides clients with a single view of market and credit risks for any type of aggregation, including customer, country, internal unit, rating or industry.

    Razor’s limit management, market risk and credit risk functionality is available together or as separate modules.


    IT&e's PTX (Private Trading eXchange) product is a web-based transaction platform.

    It (PTX) allows the sales and trading division of a bank to buy and sell financial instruments from and to corporate treasurers and buy-side traders for the bank's corporate and institutional clients.

    PTX allows a corporate treasurer or fund manager to place an order for a financial instrument from the bank's portfolio.

    PTX supports the negotiation process between the corporate treasurer and the bank's
    salesperson to price the product.

    When the trade is agreed, both parties will automatically receive a trade ticket and the trade information will be passed electronically to the bank's back office systems.

    PTX supports multiple asset classes and facilitates integration with all back office systems (money markets, equities, foreign exchange, fixed income and others)....

    The Monarque product line consists of multiple integrated modules designed for automating the front middle and back-office functions in the trading and treasury management environment.

    Monarque, provides information integration, deal capture, clear data presentation, open access and security for global financial services providers.

    Technology Services

    IT&e Services is the professional services arm of IT&e and comprises a number of experienced business and information technology professionals including project managers, consultants/subject matter experts, solution architects, integration specialists, developers, database specialists and infrastructure specialists.

    The team is experienced in building complete end-to-end applications, website or interface frameworks.

    An example of its work is the Commonwealth Bank of Australia's equity trading site.

    As IT&e has evolved into a product sales company over the last 2-3 years, the technology services team is often deployed to implement IT&e’s products (Razor, PTX, and Monarque) successfully into the client’s technology environment.

    The client base of IT&E is strong and boasts blue chip companies
    such as Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank, Westpac
    Banking Corporation, Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, HSBC, Bear
    Stearns, Brown Brothers Harriman and the Australian Stock Exchange.

    (Agreed, -- But “analyst” again, has not significantly “weighted the tipping point, the scale, and the Breadth of (ITE”s operation), the signifiers of this, the intrinsic value of this, by only giving one line to the Core Value Driver of ITE....)

    The writer, also has failed & Forgotten.... to mention: Timbercorp, Queensland Treasury Department, Suncorp, Macquarie Bank, The Tier One Asian Bank recently apart from HSBC, • Fortis Bank.• HSBC in Hong Kong • HSBC in London g Stage Two and Live and now HSBC out of London (United Kingdom). ....• KBC Bank (Europe--Belgium),• LLBW Bank • BT Financial Group --United Kingdom, • Zivnostekska -- Germany & Switzerland)--Bank,• Penison France --Insurance, Superannuation and Banking, • Post Bank Germany/Europe,Timbercorp... all Australian based and domiciled Banks, Companies, and Financial Institutions...

    Even though the company has increased its revenues by more than 50% in 2006 to A$15.35 million, it is a loss making. As at 30 June 2005, it had cash at bank of A$4.24 million and a working capital position of A$5.2 million.

    Do not agree, totally out of context and Selective and misleading.

    Why so ..... in your view, Robbo..? ...

    Firstly, (ITE) have turned; an $8 million dollar in the RED--- EBITA loss-- in 2005- to a trading Profit by the final quarter of 2006, to make a total loss of only, In the year to 30 June 2006, it reported pre-tax losses of A$622,000.

    Basic mathematics . ie add and subtract time.

    If (ITE) had of started from a zero balance; in 2005—then the Net Profit would have been, a Net Profit of $7.840 Millions ..... clear positive PROFIT.

    Repeat this important observation yet again:

    If (ITE) had of started from a zero balance; in 2005—then the Net Profit would have been, a Net Profit of $7.840 Millions ..... clear positive PROFIT.

    So why did it go into the red in 2005.

    Easy honest and simple Answer.

    Here it is now: “Global Expansion”. (namely Asia (Hong Kong), India USA, Europe and United Kingdom.

    Also let me make this.....plain easy point.....

    If ....(ITE)...... if .... had have just kept to; Australian based and domiciled clients such as:

    Commonwealth Bank of Australia,
    National Australia Bank (NAB) ,
    Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ),
    Queensland Treasury Department,
    Macquarie Bank,
    Westpac Banking Corporation,

    .............. AND......................................................................................................

    Furthermore; Had never gone to the expense and trouble; to set up offices and Sales Distribution Channels, in the USA, Europe, United Kingdom, Asia (Hong Kong) –

    And also not gone to the expense and trouble—to provide the extensive Research & Development Operations in Chennai (India).... then guess what...?? ....

    Yes, you guessed it: ITE would definitely have a lower Top Line, but a stronger EBITA and NPAT Profit Line .... (My calculations; at least about $5 -6 Millions profit on Bottom line).

    And we would be all happier right .... ?

    Answer: “Well not Robbo, ... No.....”.

    And why is the answer, “Nope”

    Five main Reasons and Answers.

    (1) Sarbanes Oxley

    (2) Basel 11

    (3) Strong phenomenon of the Globalization of Banking and Currency & Derivative Trading—in a real time 24/7 and across hemispheres and Time Zones where everything is ..... inter-connected ....and..... inter-related.

    (4) Opportunities of Global Scale

    (5) Confidence by Company and Investors that Razor, Monarque and PTX are well beaters and best of breed—and will compete and often win internationally....

    This strong confidence; and strategy top “stay in the red for another 12 months—over the last 12 months—has been vindicated. It worked and was successful. Very Successful.

    And why so? Well it is proven by:

    Business highlights during the period include:

    • Revenue growth of 54% compared to the corresponding period last year;

    • Sale of Razor to Australian Stock Exchange Ltd (ASX) to meet their market, credit
    and liquidity risk management requirements;

    • New contracts for the Monarque product across the North American and Asian

    • Delivery and sign off of the Razor implementation at HSBC in London;

    • Commencement of Razor Phase II projects at HSBC in London;

    • The commencement of the PTX implementation for online-trading with a major Tier One-- 1 -- Australian bank;

    • Conversion of ANZ PTX rental agreement to a Perpetual license which includes
    additional PTX modules of Foreign Exchange and Structured Products;

    • Completion of the acquisition of the NextSet business;

    • Growth in product sales pipeline across all regions;

    • Significant reduction in operating costs without impact upon delivery capability;

    • Established the infrastructure for Europe & North America.

    James Maranis, CEO clearly said: “The results and performance of our business are pleasing and .....underpin the strategy we set out to achieve..... three years ago. ...

    Our objective is to transition our company over a five year period, and this year marks... >>> ** the turning point ** <<< ... With.... consistent profitable results expected across the next two reporting periods.

    Repeat: coz this is the key guys:
    Our objective is to transition our company over a five year period, and this year marks... >>> ** the turning point ** <<< ... With.... consistent profitable results expected across the next two reporting periods.

    We have reduced our costs by approximately $3.2 million compared to last year whilst achieving 54% growth in revenue this year.

    “Global demand for IT&e’s products is expected to increase across all regions as technology spend continues to grow in our target markets.

    This, coupled with a maturing pipeline across all regions, sets positive momentum for the business leading into the new financial year.”

    And so now we are invested in a Much Broader, Bigger, wiser and stronger Client Base and Global on going Sales Opportunity...

    It is also why the (ITE) Global Blue Chip client list so far now also looks like this(and this does not include the In Pipe Line New Sales Orders) .....

    • Chicago Mercantile Exchange, (Worlds largest Commodity Stock Exchange),

    • Australian Stock Exchange (ASX),

    • Sun-Corp,

    • KBC Bank (Europe--Belgium).

    • Queensland Treasury Department.

    • The Tier One Asian Bank recently apart from HSBC.

    • Bear Sterns. (USA) ,

    • Fortis Bank.

    • HSBC in Hong Kong
    • HSBC in London g Stage Two and Live and now HSBC out of London (United Kingdom). ....

    • KBC Bank (Europe--Belgium),

    • LLBW Bank

    • Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA),

    • National Australia Bank (NAB),

    • Westpac Bank (WBC),

    • BT Financial Group --United Kingdom,

    • Macquarie Bank,

    • Zivnostekska--Germany & Switzerland)--Bank,

    • Brown Bros Harriman Bank operating in UK and USA,

    • Penison France --Insurance, Superannuation and Banking,

    • Post Bank Germany/Europe,

    • Timbercorp. (Trading in Agricultural & Plantation based Commodities and Hedge funds

    • ANZ Bank –Australia and New Zealand....

    As you know many of the above Blue Chip Clients, operate Globally & Internationally... and headquartered in the Northern Hemisphere ... where (ITE) have gone to the expense to set up infrastructure to:

    (a) obtain as clients and

    (b) set up infrastructure to support same.

    However now infrastructure is in place: as the (ITE) CEO says:

    James Maranis, CEO said: “The results and performance of our business are pleasing and underpin the strategy we set out to achieve three years ago.

    Our objective is to transition our company over a five year period, and this year marks the turning point with consistent results across the two reporting periods.

    We have reduced our costs by
    approximately $3.2 million compared to last year whilst achieving 54% growth in
    revenue this year.

    “Global demand for IT&e’s products is expected to increase across all regions as
    technology spend continues to grow in our target markets.

    This, coupled with a maturing pipeline across all regions, sets positive momentum for the business leading into the new financial year.”

    ***** However; here is the point—this Multi-Country Global Leading Software Operation in leading Risk Software did take financial Resources; to set up, to implement and to properly execute.

    (1) They (ITE) spent the money.

    (2) They (ITE) implemented the Plan past all expectations .

    (3) They (ITE) more than fully succeeded.

    (4) They (ITE) now have a terrific Sales Base to work forward from—and now are moving .... into strong profitability.

    --See It&e recent Announcement Below:

    it&e (ITE) 30 August 2006 ASX Announcement

    IT&e delivers.... Operating Profit.

    IT&e Limited (ASX Code: ITE) today released its preliminary final unaudited results for the 2005/06 Financial Year, announcing an operating profit on the back of substantially increased revenues and cost containment.

    David Bell, Chairman of IT&e, announced the results with the following comments:

    “The Board is pleased to report a solid basis for sustainable and profitable growth
    through delivery of these results for the 2005/06 year.

    Through the efforts of the IT&e team and building on the solid results established in the first half of the year, IT&e has delivered an operating profit to 30 June 2006 of $0.1 million on revenues of $15.4 million (before taking into account the cost of share based payments required under the AIFRS accounting standards).

    The results reflect a positive growth across both products and services and represents measurable success in the progress of the Company’s previously stated strategy.”

    “This result provides the opportunity for IT&e to continue to grow its results year on year and sets the basis for sustainable growth in the Company’s business over the coming years.

    The Company expects to deliver increased profitability this financial

    “The Board does not see any impediment to further growth and, while constantly
    reviewing performance to strategy, will maintain its current direction.”

    Financial Highlights

    Highlights of IT&e’s financial performance to 30 June 2006 are as follows:

    • Operating Profit (before the cost of share based payments) of $0.1 million. This
    represented an improvement of $8.6 million over the previous year;

    • Sales Revenue of $15.4 million. This represents an increase of about 54% from
    $9.9 million over the previous year;

    • Other Revenue of $0.5 million;

    • Operating Expenses of $15.7 million.

    This represented a reduction of about 16% from $18.8 million over the previous year whilst concurrently achieving the sales level to support the higher revenue figure and additional delivery and development resources.

    The overall reduction in expenses reverses the upward trend of the
    2004/05 financial year, which was attributed to the establishment of overseas operations, and reflects the prudent attention of the Board and Executive Management in relation to discretionary expenditure;

    • Total Cash balances (including Term Deposits) at 30 June 2006 was $4.4
    million representing an increase of $0.2 million from 31 December 2005;

    • Net Current Assets at 30 June 2006 was $5.2 million, equal to 30 June 2005;

    • Net Tangible Assets at 30 June 2006 was $5.5 million compared to $5.6 million
    at 30 June 2005. The Company continues to have nil debt.

    Business Highlights

    Business highlights during the period include:

    • Revenue growth of 54% compared to the corresponding period last year;

    • Sale of Razor to Australian Stock Exchange Ltd (ASX) to meet their market, credit
    and liquidity risk management requirements;

    • New contracts for the Monarque product across the North American and Asian

    • Delivery and sign off of the Razor implementation at HSBC in London;

    • Commencement of Razor Phase II projects at HSBC in London;

    • The commencement of the PTX implementation for online-trading with a major Tier
    1 Australian bank;

    • Conversion of ANZ PTX rental agreement to a Perpetual license which includes
    additional PTX modules of Foreign Exchange and Structured Products;

    • Completion of the acquisition of the NextSet business;

    • Growth in product sales pipeline across all regions;

    • Significant reduction in operating costs without impact upon delivery capability;

    • Established the infrastructure for Europe & North America.

    James Maranis, CEO said: “The results and performance of our business are pleasing
    and underpin the strategy we set out to achieve three years ago. Our objective is to
    transition our company over a five year period, and this year marks the turning point with consistent results across the two reporting periods.

    We have reduced our costs by approximately $3.2 million compared to last year whilst achieving 54% growth in
    revenue this year.

    “Global demand for IT&e’s products is expected to increase across all regions as
    technology spend continues to grow in our target markets.

    This, coupled with a maturing pipeline across all regions, sets positive momentum for the business leading into the new financial year.”

    Business Outlook

    The Board and Executive Management will maintain focus on winning quality sales and
    increasing revenue across all three regions – APAC, EMEA and Americas.

    As IT&e’s success in the global markets carries on, the Board believe the positive results will sustain over the coming period.

    The Company has scheduled release of its audited results for mid September.

    This coordinates with the timetable associated with the Company’s previously stated objective of a dual listing through the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market.

    - ENDS –

    About IT&e Limited

    IT&e is a publicly listed Australian technology company that specialises in providing solutions to the global Financial Services markets.

    IT&e offers three flagship products, RAZORTM, PTXTM and Monarque®, to financial institutions.

    RAZOR enables organisations to effectively address their market, credit
    and liquidity risk management requirements, both on an enterprise and a departmental basis.

    PTX enables on-line trading of over the counter securities across multiple asset
    classes (Securities, Money Market, FX, etc.).

    Monarque supports trading and treasury management at major banks and broking houses, and comprises modules designed to automate front-office functions.

    These products are offered to the global marketplace.

    IT&e is headquartered in Sydney, with offices in Melbourne, London, New York, and Chennai India, offering a highly skilled team of specialists who provide technology services across the financial markets and risk management business areas.

    For further information about IT&e please visit our website
    David Bell, Chairman: +61 2 9236 9401
    James Maranis, CEO: +61 2 9236 9427
    Oliver Carton, Company Secretary: +61 412 149 118


    Next Points....

    ..............Back to the silly Report.......

    Business development –

    The company operates in a very competitive environment and has built a reputation for delivering cutting edge technological solutions to the financial services industry.

    It has a very strong client base including companies in fund management, banking and insurance.

    Its products appear to have world class potential and the company seems to be investing a lot of money in sales and distribution to sustain and increase its client base around the world.

    The strategy of the company is to increase its revenues and win quality contracts which should help it grow in the future.

    It has a long term horizon in realizing profits and works strategically towards that goal.

    The company seems to have a very strong sales and distribution network and is working towards increasing its market share in Asia Pacific, Europe and America

    . Finally, IT&e seems to be managed by a very experienced team that is developing its products and offering a good service to its clients.

    Management –

    David Bell is the chairman of the company and assumed this role
    in October 2005.

    Prior to joining IT&E in his current role he was non-executive director at the company and across his career he has held managerial roles in a number of companies which specialize in the technology and the financial markets sectors.

    James Maranis is the managing director of the company and has extensive experience spanning 19 years in the financial services and technology sector.

    He has specialized in the interaction of technological solutions with financial services companies and has worked with many domestic and foreign banks, including EDS Global Financial Services.

    Before becoming managing director, he worked as general manager of
    all e-commerce divisions where he showed a very good track record in
    increasing revenues and expanding the customer base of the business.

    Before joining IT&E he held managerial positions as Account Executive with EDS Australia, executive manager for Commonwealth Bank of Australia and manager at Citibank.

    Simon Yencken is the executive director of the company and was
    founder and CEO of NextSet.

    He has been a partner at Freehills, general counsel and company secretary of Reuters Group, managing director of Reuters Financial Enterprise Systems and CEO of TIBCO Finance Technology.

    Stephen Simpson and Ellis Bugg serve on the board as non-executive directors.

    Conclusion –

    IT&E has a solid track record in delivering results, expanding
    its sales and winning new contracts.

    On the other hand, while it has done well in terms of product development and sales distribution, it is not yet profitable.


    It is profitable—Again see this last Announcement as re printed above.

    Sooner or later, regardless of how well a company is doing, the result of aggressive expansion should show at the bottom line.

    And guess waht silly, that sooner or later is....derrrrr...... "now".... we are at the turning point and operating profitably--now--...

    So it is a silly...."leapt to" irrational conclusion....

    With as many contract wins and blue chip clients under its belt, one would have thought IT&E would have achieved profitability.

    And they have silly.

    And they ahve expanded across the globe which costs.... cap ex.

    And they are now profitabe.

    However, the company is still reporting losses.

    No it is not.

    This is not true. This poses the question of the company's future.

    It its business model weak?

    The right question here is this:

    Is your analysis very weak...

    The Answer... ? -- Very Bad & Weak Analysis

    So The latter is the fact . The analysis is weak, and the conclusion does not withstand either logic or scrutiny.

    While we accept there is an element of operational gearing, the numbers suggest that IT&E may take a few more years to improve its numbers...

    And “the numbers” do NOT suggest that.

    In fact the opposite is the case.

    Again look at the EBITA in 2005, and 2006.

    Compare them.

    Look at the factual numbers.

    Again, look at the ladt quarter.

    Again ..... why does not this person simply..... think ......

    One wonders why the group chose to dual list and take on additional costs.

    Robbo: "No does not wonder that...not at all....

    It all gets back to the Competitiveness of (ITE’s) Flag Ship Unique Core Products.

    Repeat: The key to focus on is: the Competitiveness of (ITE’s) Flag Ship Unique Core Products...

    And the Massive take up by Blue Chip Bank customers-- having just set up shop in Europe....

    They want to demonstrate to the world; and to their Northern Hemisphere Client Base—that they are serious.

    That is why they listed on AIM--in London.

    ....Pure and simple.

    Avoid. – Again, the wrong conclusion: and frankly; the Wrong misguided call.

    Correct call here is: Buy Short and Buy and Hold Long ....

    So what to do now...? :

    Relax.... Separate the Wood from the Trees.

    Kindest Regards,


    Views expressed in and on this Internet Chat Site Forum, as expressed above are; explicitly unwarranted, and expressed on a strictly: ‘Without Prejudice’ basis.. These views are only personal opinions and speculations, are definitely not warranted, in any way whatsoever, either expressed or implied, for their accuracy or veracity. These opinions & correspondences, expressed in this email and/or on this internet site are only the writer’s tentative thoughts and opinions only. Remember, they are, nothing more than that. These views are not…. (Repeat: ‘not’ …)…to be read as being, or even forming any form whatsoever of investment recommendation, general or specific. Instead, they are just simply personal ideas and opinions, and to repeat, are NOT to be read, taken, or interpreted as financial advice. These expressed opinions written here, are not warranted in any way whatsoever, either expressed or implied, for their, authenticity, or likely predictive outcome. Therefore, these comments are highly subjective, not the basis of officially authorized research, and are therefore likely to be prejudiced by the writers own opinions, perceptions, interests, and outlook. As a result, these views may be prone to errors, as they are not objective, or official in any way, and, have not been checked by an authorized third party, and are possibly incomplete, ill informed and/or inaccurate. With this in mind, the author repeatedly reminds readers, that these opinions expressed here; are strictly on a “Without Prejudice” basis only. Remember readers, to read these opinions as just one of many expressed personal subjective thoughts and ideas, in the ‘common market-place of ideas’—and to read these views in this light and as only that. Readers must recognize that, as these views, are only one viewpoint among many possible other viewpoints, they are therefore at best; only the author’s own highly subjective whimsical thoughts, impressions, and intuitions. You therefore ought not, repeat ‘not’, to rely upon these views for any form of advice or counsel. Instead, you are responsible for your own decisions. Readers must also note that, as with all expressed opinions, they are definitely open to discussion and refutation, as well as the logical weighing and consideration of other alternative interpretations and viewpoints. For any investment decision, the writer urges readers to conduct their own independent and separate investigations and research, and always seek their own qualified and authorized third party independent financial advice, before coming to an informed decision.

    Kindest Regards,

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