NST 0.24% $16.57 northern star resources ltd

potential in next 3-6 months ?, page-2

  1. 226 Posts.
    Hi purple1. Argonaut on the NST website have just done another broker report regarding Gabbro dated the 7th of November. Basically saying if Gabbro replicates Paulsens you can add 18 cents to every additional year added to their mine life. Current valuation $1.60. Buy recommendation. Also I believe Stoxline, another broker had a 6 month price target of$1.67 and a 12 month target of $1.95. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong and I'm sure there is a lot more broker reports out there. Maybe others on this site can help out with that. DYOR and I hope this helps. Cheers
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Mkt cap ! $18.96B
Open High Low Value Volume
$16.65 $16.74 $16.50 $83.86M 5.058M

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1 1652 $16.56

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Price($) Vol. No.
$16.61 5408 3
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Last trade - 16.10pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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