Power Ledger, page-15

  1. 32 Posts.
    I've been dabbling in crypto - trying to get a feel more for the technology rather than the buying part, which is easy (Coinspot is a place to start but there are possible security issues). I bought the Nano S which requires you to use Chrome to download the Ledger apps for the Nano. These apps allow you to store Bitcoin and Ethereum - easily on the device which is called cold storage. The biggest problem however is in trying to 'store' ERC20 tokens. These are Ethereum based 'coins' (tokens) and to use your your Nano to help this storage, you will need to set up a wallet through MyEtherWallet (MEW). This is where I have become unstuck. Tried sending a small amount to this wallet and to be honest, it is somewhere there in the ether! The instructions regarding ECR20 tokens and how to 'store' them using the Ledger device and MEW is very hazy - IMO. If anyone can enlighten me about this, it would be appreciated. The Ledger website does give info about receiving/sending some specific ERC20 tokens but as yet, the ones I'm dealing in have not had the simple instructions added.
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