'Praise Allah' banners to appear on British buses for Ramadan, page-39

  1. 28,493 Posts.
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    4 MAY 2014

    Ukraine: Lies, propaganda and the West's agenda
    Is the Western narrative obscuring what's really going on in Ukraine?

    The West has concentrated on mocking the latter while conveniently ignoring the legitimate gripes Putin raises - the possibility that the West, through meddling and provoking incessantly, may have caused this crisis.

    In the face of clearly hypocritical Western lecturing - Putin's ratings at home have soared. And the people of Ukraine have also been betrayed - their push for democracy co-opted by US interests, and their economy having lost up to $80bn, according to latest reports. Will Western leaders be held to account? Probably not if this thundering and incorrect narrative continues to play out across the media. This is why Western leaders are so keen to demonise Putin - it gets them off the hook.

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