pre planned collapse of the usa economy, page-10

  1. 4,456 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2802
    hi alfter

    I see where you've stated:

    "...personally I would stick to this financial scam cos even an ignoramus can see that it is a scam."

    Probably a fair're saying that even you can see this as a scam, right?

    In that vein and to help out the hc community, I've compiled a list of those whom you describe as ignoramuses ie those you can "see" this as a scam:

    imperial wizard
    the tooth fairy
    Mary Poppins
    Alf Garnett
    bevter (cos your special)

    By the way I love how the nutters refer to the so called FEMA concentration camps as "top secret": do a google search on FEMA camps and you get about 181,000 hits. So the US administration that is so skilful that it can hoax the world about 911 and wilfully but covertly bring on the collapse of the world's financial system somehow can't hide a few concentration camps in a country the size of the US from some soggy bottom boys sound-alikes. Hmmm maybe it takes an ignoramus to understand that bit too.
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