Crypto exchange HTX suffered a hack that resulted in the loss of...

  1. 17 Posts.
    Crypto exchange HTX suffered a hack that resulted in the loss of 5,000 ether ($7.9 million), according to company advisor Justin Sun.
    while aiming to reassure customers, Justin Sun stated that HTX has fully covered the losses incurred from the attack and has successfully resolved all related issues.The attack comes less than two weeks after ten-year-old cryptocurrency exchange Huobi changed its name to HTX.

    To avoid falling victim to such incidents, here are some general tips to help you protect your crypto assets:

    1. Research and select a well-established and secure cryptocurrency exchange with a good track record and robust protective funds.

    2. Use hardware wallets or consider using an exchange built-in wallet which has multiple layers of security.

    3. Enable 2FA on your exchange accounts to add an extra layer of protection.

    4. Regularly update your computer and mobile device software to ensure you have the latest security patches.

    5. Be cautious of suspicious emails, messages, or websites that may attempt to trick you into revealing your private keys or login credentials.

    6. Store your private keys in a safe place and avoid sharing them with anyone.

    7. Consider diversifying your cryptocurrency holdings across multiple wallets and exchanges to minimize risk.
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