SYR syrah resources limited

Prediction, page-36

  1. 9,236 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    I wouldn't worry about my credibility, Prime1, if I were you. Concentrate on your own

    What's your take on your posting chum (the one who you hold in much greater esteem than poor TJ) elsewhere who made these comments....

    "BTW, I think SYR will fall even harder if no binding offtake is signed in 2014. Market cap of $600M has some serious downside risk. "

    " In fact I would argue that SYR is even more overpriced that TON relatively speaking"
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Mkt cap ! $224.0M
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22.0¢ 22.5¢ 21.5¢ $345.8K 1.571M

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9 479646 21.5¢

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22.0¢ 109799 4
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Last trade - 16.10pm 28/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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