prepare for new taxes, page-16

  1. 5,500 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I see you are at it again CW. Trying to disprove the KPI's that the world uses to monitor macroeconomic conditions. If only you knew anything about macroeconomics the world may take note.

    Why do you think the central banks from all over the world are buying AUD and Australian bonds? Do you think YOU know something they don't? ROFL

    You are the one looking in the big rear view mirror running around like chicken little while the rest of us are looking forward at the shift in power to the undeveloped east where all the future growth will be.

    This is the beginning of the Asian century, not the end.

    Convince the WORLD economic brains to move to YOUR method of macroeconomic KPI's and I may follow. I won't be holding my breath though.

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