President Trump Ranks Last in 'Presidential Greatness,' According to Historians, page-44

  1. 7,449 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    "well, he did bring in the biggest changes in health care in history - but, of course, even though poor people had far better access by that action --- Trump wants to overturn it"

    Yeah why screw up the entire market mechanism for health care simply because a few of the poorest are denied access?

    i.e srew up the entire market mechanism, that we know is undeniably the best method to equitably & efficiently distribute both products and services.

    But more importantly - what do you mean by poor people? I often find social scientists (?) make these rather broad sweeping ideological, sweet, and rather grandiose statements without ever quantifying THEIR science? Their followers, i.e the followeres of the social scientists, i.e. the too often pretentious look-at-me virtuous folk, then on-sproat the term poor people, as it it is their entrance ticket to a postmodern earthly heaven.

    So in your mind who are these poor people? What is your definition of poor people? Can it be defined, so that we can talk to each other, objectively & rationally?

    Is it those below say the low side of say X3 the standard distribution of disclosed taxable earnings? A very small proportion indeed. Often the indigent, the drunken, the motivational immature, the group that the churches have materially supported for ages and still do so?

    Materially supported even with the excessive tax rates we have in this country?

    The canard though, of the likes of the virtuous, the Nancy Pelosi's of the electoral spectrum seem to believe that the lower 99% of all American taxpaying citizens (including her $AUD 50 multi millions millionaire self) is a a poor people, people.

    And if that cap fits, then I'll wear it.

    Gimme free stuff, too, Nancy! I'll give you my vote!

    Gimme free stuff too, Nancy ... and trust the high headed angels in heaven that nobody has to pay for it either.
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