Thanks for the heads up kincella. I'm due to see an Urologist in...

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    Thanks for the heads up kincella. I'm due to see an Urologist in May just to make sure the prostate is in check. Thanks for making me aware the rockmelons cause an increase with urination or else I may have thought I was definitely in strife!

    Also, I have a new job where I'm on my feet all day and decided to load up on bananas last week for extra potassium to avoid leg cramps. I didn't know too many cause constipation! And not being handy to ablutions I should avoid diuretic foods! I have been doing pelvic floor exercises as a

    It pays to be aware that loading up on fruit and vegies can have adverse affects. We tend to over look their properties because they aren't over processed food coming in packages.
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