This industry is only just starting here, below are the stats of natural gas from the US, the jobs created and the economical impact, yes we have a world awash with natural gas, but we need it to supply an ever increasing demand going forward, these stats are mainly to satisfy local US demand, our Asian neighbours are wanting safe reliable natural gas that will take them into the future. Facts are companies, like ESG,with large, in place, world class deposits of these natural gas deposits, NOW, are set to reap the benefits of long term gas supply contracts, The US natural gas industry supports 4 Million jobs and totals over 385 BILLION DOLLARS, we are only just starting to scratch the surface here of what will prove to be a massive industry supplying Japan, Korea, China, Indonesia and India. The world is sick of being dictated to by politically unstable regimes that have controlled the oil and gas industries for years, politically stable countries like Australia have not only an energy that can be supplied, but supplied with reliability, efficiency and political stability to give them the confidence to sign strong long term contracts they can rely on, and the large corporates supplying these countries are willing to pay a premium and sign long term contracts to satisfy future demand from companies, such as ESG, that have the proven resources to supply,
State...... NaturalGas Jobs............... Economic Impact
Alabama......... 47,834................... $3.3 billion
Alaska ..........23,596................... $3.1 billion
Arizona .........41,986................... $3 billion
Arkansas ........39,035................... $2.5 billon
California..... 414,180.................. $46.3 billion
Colorado .......83,612.................... $9.7 billion
Connecticut ....31,918.................... $3.3 billion
Delaware ........9,429.................... $800 million
Florida....... 118,383.................... $7.8 billion
Georgia ........69,769.................... $5.3 billion
Hawaii ..........9,745.................... $700 million
Idaho.......... 11,375.................... $600 million
Illinois...... 146,827.................... $15.3 billion
Indiana........ 64,564..................... $4.4 billion
Iowa........... 32,756..................... $1.8 billion
Kansas......... 62,810..................... $5.1 billion
Kentucky....... 52,673..................... $3.4 billion
Louisana...... 183,999.................... $17.9 billion
Maine.......... 17,765.................... $1 billion
Maryland....... 34,588.................... $2.7 billion
Massachusetts.. 54,952.................... $5.4 billion
Michigan....... 86,907.................... $7.4 billion
Minnesota...... 59,106.................... $4.2 billion
Mississippi.... 46,795.................... $3.2 billion
Missouri....... 59,546.................... $3.8 billion
Montana........ 22,113.................... $1.6 billion
Nebraska....... 26,856.................... $2.6 billion
Nevada......... 20,486.................... $1.6 billion
New Hampshire.. 14,535.................... $1.1 billion
New Jersey..... 72,261.................... $7.4billion
New Mexico..... 44,259.................... $3.7 billion
New York...... 119,346.................... $12.1 billion
North Carolina. 73,300.................... $4.9 billion
North Dakota... 14,955.................... $1.2 billion
Ohio.......... 119,557.................... $8.9 billion
Oklahoma...... 167,107................... $17.6 billion
Oregon........ 30,258..................... $2.1 billion
Pennyslvania. 138,927.................... $11.5 billion
Rhode Island... 8,562.................... $700 million
South Carolina 34,731...................... $2 billion
South Dakota.. 10,987..................... $600 million
Tennessee..... 57,904..................... $3.9 billion
Texas........ 887,807.................. .$117.5 billion
Utah.......... 36,769..................... $2.9 billion
Vermont........ 8,266..................... $500 million
Virginia...... 70,633..................... $5.1 billion
Washington.... 54,591..................... $4.5 billion
West Virginia. 35,101..................... $2.6 billion
Wisconsin..... 49,272..................... $3 billion
Wyoming....... 33,075..................... $3.4 billion
This industry is only just starting here, below are the stats of...
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