FEX 1.92% 26.5¢ fenix resources ltd

Price of Iron Ore, page-222

  1. 769 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 63
    the next ship ( Banasol ) is headed for Chiba, Japan the whole 60k of it, Fex isn't tied to any Chinese company necessary, the price will inevitably be regulated by the baulk purchaser ( CCP) until such time as( Dollar@near51) said it, India , Japan and more so USA when the stimulus is approved, than China will have competition for the product, right now they have the strangle hold on that and there's not much anyone else can do.
    the hedging was very smart and it'll keep us still profitable enough to keep us SH interested in the company, but if the join venture is positive and LM is say double than you watch the SP head towards the magical $, lol hoping.
    cheers Lw
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Mkt cap ! $196.4M
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26.5¢ 26.5¢ 26.0¢ $225.8K 863.2K

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2 155776 26.0¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
26.5¢ 111945 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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