acouch - problem solved; thanks a million

  1. 3,695 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 599
    Hi acouch

    Finally broke through the medianline. The search proved no good so just asked for help. Very friendly and helpful people - four people replied in about six hours.

    Tracked down the discussion. Bit amazed though that no-one seemed to have adopted pop's strategies. Seems that people have read his stuff but that's as far as they go.

    not me - I'm a pop convert - and i know zilch about TA!

    Is Mr Tim any good? Sounds a bit nasty and controlling.

    Now, here's a question: do you think professional traders are nicer than the average person, nastier or just like everyone else?

    I know you need a ton of confidence to do well, but do you think sometimes egos get out of control? The profession does seem to attract oddballs.

    As I said before, you stand out as a mighty polite poster on this testosterone-enriched forum.

    Cheers, Hot Congo
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