AVR 2.78% $9.25 anteris technologies global corp.

Price, page-32

  1. 247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    I feel your frustration VM.

    HOwever, we have a product still undergoing trials and validation studies which is a somewhat barrier to commercial success. THe current time line (even with a few unplanned blow outs) suggests the end of the trial phase and entering commercialization is not only defined (end of this and the next trial) but proposed to be a few short years away.

    been in this relationship for almost 10 years.....another 2 (give or take) is not a long time.

    Stay safe in the volvo
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$9.00 $9.25 $9.00 $28.25K 3.083K

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1 559 $9.12

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$9.33 106 1
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