Gee so sorry for bringing civilisation and PROGRESS to a...

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    Gee so sorry for bringing civilisation and PROGRESS to a barbaric and primitive land. So sorry for showing you the wonders of human ingenuity and social/moral evolution.

    I really wonder about the likes of this & feel pretty sorry for it; in fact, i feel more sorry for this than the aboriginals that were raped, murdered, enslaved & institutionalised

    take my father, who was born in Lebanon but soon after birth moved with family to Nth America but the Great Depression forced his family back to Europe to live with relatives but war & problems there pushed them back to Lebanon when WW2 commenced. in transition, as a child, he & his brothers & sister had to steal to eat. fortunately for him, in Lebanon, while none of his family had work & lived on one meal a day if that, he got an apprenticeship with the Australian army stationed in Lebanon, was the sole breadwinner, and decided to emigrate to Australia in 1947. in his old age, it amazed me, despite the passing of 70 years, how my father would recollect, with so much trauma, how hungry they were during the Depression & War era

    so he came to this land where he worked, worked on many renowned projects & paid for his whole family, with their children, before he himself was married, to come here, so they could alleviate their hardship

    so what about you? what is your families story? do they have any humility of coming here out of desperation, like the original British in 1788 or like my father?

    or in their desperation or greed, where they unable to develop some thankfulness? were they so desperate that they could not think of another before themselves and that desperation embedded denial in their subconscious?


    are you educated enough to imagine how it was in Britain 250 years ago? if so, then try to project that 250 years into the future, say to China, where China is full of convicts & they decide to invade Australia to settle their millions of convicts & unwanted.

    but unlike 250 years ago, they find nothing here, except salinated & dried up rivers, former agricultural land poisoned by coal seam gas, forests all cut down due to need for more agricultural, polluted seas, all the coal & iron ore dug up. they Chinese will think: "why did we come here, which is just the same as back in China?" who did a better job looking after this land? the aboriginals or your mates?

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