Private School funding rorts

  1. 47,165 Posts.
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    It seems that we're never going to uncover all of the RORTS on steroids which have proliferated under the Coalition. Following other federal government RORTS including Sports Rorts, Car Park Rorts, MPs allowances Rorts, JobKeeper Rorts, Greenhouse gas carbon credits Rorts now we have private school funding rorts:

    " The 130 private schools over-funded by $120 million, research reveals "
    "... Almost 40 NSW private schools have been overpaid by more than $1 million a year each, and four were given more than twice as much government money as they were due. ..."
    ".. “This is while the entire public school system sits more than 10 per cent below its minimum SRS funding levels since the adoption of the Gonski needs-based funding model in 2013,” the report said. ..."
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