My NBN experience:NBN connected (fibre to kerb then copper wire...

  1. 3,903 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 585
    My NBN experience:
    NBN connected (fibre to kerb then copper wire to house) - typical download speed speed 40-50 Mb
    Coaxial Cable internet then forceably disconnected - typical download speed 85-110 Mb
    So I got 50% reduction in speed from NBN and less reliability (the below-ground fibre to copper connection is vulnerable to interruption)
    NBN tells me I can get back to previous speed and probably exceed this if I pay a permanent $60/month (ie about 65% more) for fibre to premises.

    I understand that this situation applies to quite a lot of people who had coaxial cable internet.
    ....and I believe the cost to the nation for this has exceeded $60Billion so far (or about $6000 per household).

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