I have just spent OVER 2 YEARS trying to convince NBN (via...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 903

    I have just spent OVER 2 YEARS trying to convince NBN (via Telstra and others) that I have an NBN box attacked to our house, yet all could not confirm our address, tried various ways of entering the address but NO, no NBN coverage could be found.
    Finally received a notification from NBN, welcoming me to NBN once they finally found our address. BUT, They now tell me they are sending a modem to plug into the box inside the house, of which there is NO box inside the house.
    Back to square one, as they now know I have no inside box, so please send the modem back and we will investigate why you have no inside box further.

    Anyone else found these problems trying to get connected ??
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