process on the boat!!!, page-74

  1. 1,020 Posts.
    Anyone supporting the governments actions here have a complete, blinding bias. Dave, I'll save you the hassle, yes, it's me who has the bias. How anyone can actually argue that the removal of the previous governments policy has not encouraged AS I can not be sure. How anyone actually believes that this latest course of action will not encourage many others to attempt to jump the queue not only risking their lives, but also the lives of their children in the process, is completely beyond me.

    This ludicrous "storm in a tea cup" argument just doesn't wash with me. Highly unimpressed by such complete and utter cowardice displayed by this inept government. Only a matter of days ago our fearless, courageous leader was preaching about the fact the ALP would not be changing it's policy on AS, only to back flip a couple of days later because his precious focus groups were finding fault.

    Playing populist politics is fine for a while, but it will always catch up to you in the end. End result, the electorate will become completely fed up with such weak and spineless politics.
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