professor stephan lewandowsky (uwa) on denial, page-29

  1. 22 Posts.
    Hi butcherboy agreed the level of debate here is pretty basic, it is a stock market forum however. By co2 saturation I was just meaning that with progressive increases in co2 it will have less radiative forcing effect until it reaches a point where increase in temperature is minimal regardless of increasing co2 levels. I do not think there is a point where the atmosphere cannot take in anymore co2 and it is lost. You have more confidence in the ability of models to predict climate sensitivity than I do. I guess I beleive that this is an experiment that will be carried out on the world, I really can't see the world reducing co2 emissions anytime soon. I hope for the sake of my children that climate sensitivity is on the lower side of projections. I am sceptical of anyone who thinks they can know what will happen in the future even with the help of computer models. I do tend to read articles that confirm my own bias and am aware of this. Personally I do not want to think that everything is going to be catastrophic with only a few people left living on the north pole if at all. I think there is a strong anti humanist rhetoric in a lot of beleivers in catastrophic climate change. The future is never as bad as we imagine or as good as we hope but unlike anything we could possibly imagine. Someone smart once wrote this can't remember who but it wasn't me.
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