When the AMP and NRMA were demutualised,the mangers did not...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    When the AMP and NRMA were demutualised,
    the mangers did not steal the money private
    investors paid to managers. The managers
    distributed the money to former asset
    owners: AMP and NRMA members.

    When Howard and Costello sold the Commonwealth Bank,
    Telecom Australia, Qantas and other publically-owned
    assets, mangers Howard and Costello pocketed billions
    from selling Aussies assets we already mutually owned.

    Taxpayers got nothing. To regain our assets, we had
    to pay swindlers Howard and Costello. And what did
    the two swindlers do with their ill-gotten billions?
    They cut federal taxes to induce us to vote Liberal.

    The two swindlers also sold Commonwealth buildings
    (pocketed billions for vote buying) and leased back
    the same buildings at market rates. THIS is where
    Graham and Maureen made a motza from Liberal
    larceny and stupidity over and over and got rich.

    Below is our first big coup. Via a property syndicate
    we bought this Canberra office block - and got a
    10% yield plus (as ACT 99 year leases are costs
    not capital expenditure) we got all the legal
    and stamp duty expenses returned to us
    in the first year. So we got another 11%
    The 10% +11% income is Tax-Deferred.

    Meanwhile, for that building and for other buildings
    Howard and Costello sold across Australia, the sale
    cash (at rents of 10%) was gone in ten years and
    rents (that taxpayers had to find) had doubled.

    The Liberals are selling the farm bit by bit.
    Graham and Maureen use the rents we get
    to buy more 10% yield office blocks via
    a property trust and its syndicates.

    Our latest purchase gives us insane delight.

    This office block in Box Hill is under construction.
    But we get paid 9.5% pa in monthly distributions
    that become 10% upon 'practical completion' all
    of which is Tax-Deferred. Out tenant, who has
    signed a 20-year lease with rents increasing
    in line with market trends is (wait for it) the
    Australian Taxation Office. There is a God.
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