Went to meet at a friend at the Brisbane Hotel, Perth. Entry...

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    Went to meet at a friend at the Brisbane Hotel, Perth. Entry requires proof of vac. I'm already double vacced (after being naturally immunised ) !! New rules, I suppose. Decided that I didn't want to spend my hard earned at the Brissie any more. Got back home with a nice bottle of red.

    I wonder where this divisive path of - vac vs. unvac - will take us. Especially. in W.A- most people seem to want to be ruled !! Strange but true. A sense of fear - The vacced are worried about getting infected; the unvaccinated are fearful of getting the vaccine and its side effects. I think it'll continue till their turn comes - thinking will change when they or someone close to them get infected - and realise that it's a 98% or more recovery rate !! Strange times we live in!!

    On a side note, came across a Psychology mag today morning - with headlines about coercive control in couples. The definition said -

    "Coercive control is a purposeful and sustained pattern of behaviour whereby one person within the relationship (most usually a man) seeks to exert power, control or coercion over another. A range of tactics are used such as isolating the partner from sources of support and social interaction, exploiting their resources (financial and emotional), depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour" - now considered Criminal behaviour !!

    Replace the words " Man"- with "government" and "partner " with "Citizens" - Sounds familiar?


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