How about less lip service and more fact presenting UT?"Modern...

  1. 2,755 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    How about less lip service and more fact presenting UT?

    "Modern women are earning substantially more than they did in the past as they are taking on more jobs with higher responsibilities."

    BGs post specifically mentions the period from 1999 to 2004 where house prices doubled...this article based on the ABS Australian Social Trends report actually indicates that womens wages actually dropped (as a percentage of mens) over this period, they were infact getting paid more in the early 1990s as a percentage of the male wage!

    The report found that as of 2004, females earned only 92 per cent as much as their male counterparts, resulting in a gender wage gap of 8 per cent. Ten years earlier the gap was only 6 per cent. Link
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