properties did drop 50 % in Ireland, page-52

  1. 38,091 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    I figured as much . It's not really fair to compare investing in Ireland for yourself to one of us investing here . And , you have to stump up over half the money to do so . That deposit might fund three properties here .

    You have the benefit of local knowledge which is probably the only way to invest safely in that market . That option isn't available to the rest of us . I don't believe we're comparing apples with apples .

    Good luck to you and I hope you do well . As you said , it's a unique opportunity and they're the ones people should jump on if they can .

    As Kerry Packer famously said . " you only get one Alan Bond in your lifetime and I've had mine ".

    Looks like Irish property is your Alan Bond . I hope you are making the most of it .
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