propety sector.... what's next, page-12

  1. 19,794 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    "I don't think it was unreasonable for people to have the opinion of a property bust in 2005. Personally I didn't see it that early. But we all know the extraordinary money that the government pumped into the market to delay the inevitable. "

    There lies the problem and it is exactly why in the vast majority of cases extremism fails as there are always factors that the extremists don't take into account that makes the outcome substantially different to what they expect.

    "It's also like the snake oil property moguls spruiking never ending growth and telling people to risk everything!!! "

    Agree extreme spruiking at either end of the scale is bad.

    "Now who's providing a community service?"

    If scaremongering is a community service then yes many here should get an award!
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