protate care - the best natural treatment, page-23

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re: prostate care - the best natural treatment Last June I went to see the doc because I was getting up every night,on the hour to piddle. Blood tests found I had an elevated PSA (prostate specific antigen) (reading of 5.8 (av) so he sent me to an urologist.

    After a rectal examination he told me I had an enlarged prostate and arranged to do a biopsy on the prostate to see if it was the big C.

    I thought there is only one hole through which he could get to my prostrate. (ouch)

    However the biopy is done through the wall of the rectum. He stuck an ultrasonic probe up the rectum and I could see a beautifully clear image of my prostate
    on a CRO. "Aha", he said; "your prostate is ten times larger than it should be. That explains the high PSA reading".

    He then inserted a spring loaded biopsy needle and took six samples,shooting through the wall of the rectum into the prostrate and using the CRO to indentify target sites. (I assume the needle was spring loaded as it went off with a bang each time he shot me in the bum).

    When I went back to the urologist for the results I noticed a few blokes with their X rays. I thought poor bu*ggers they are probably bone scans and the doc is looking for metastasis to the bone. That is generally curtains.

    While I was sitting there (and being a natural bear) I was planning what I would do in terms of family and business etc once he told me I had the big C.

    After about an hour and a half he called me in. You know what these specialists are like. He was looking sombrely at the pathologists report. Then he looked at me, then turned back to look at the report then looked at me again, turned away and started writing. I began thinking who's the cheapest undertaker around our way.

    He then pulled his chair close to me, leaned forward and said; "Congratulations,the biopsy shows no evidence of cancer".

    He then said;" ..that enlarged prostate is blocking off your urethra......and for $4 grand I can cut away the prostrate to fix the problem".

    When he told which hole the surgery is performed through, I said (in effect) dont call me I'll call you.
    I then radically changed my diet and added 10 cups of green tea a day and started to jog at least 1.5 miles a day. Right now I'm piddling like a horse and never get up in the night. A side effect was to reduce my blood pressure from about 150/95 to about 128/75.

    When I thought I might have the big C, I did a bit of checking up on the internet and discovered that persons with a PSA of 1 get prostate cancer and some with a psa of 10 don't. It seems that it is not a good indicator of cancer and for peace of mind a biopsy is essential. Prostate cancer is easy to treat in the early stages but pretty lethal once metatasis has occured.


    ps.. Bulls may not get enlarged prostates(probably because they don't live long enough). However they can get spiral deviation of the p*nis which means they cannot serve cows. So watch the red clover.
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