I have stopped engaging with Stilt - WOT!! Yeah, what a tough...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 694
    I have stopped engaging with Stilt - WOT!!

    Yeah, what a tough run Lazarus had - enormous! It reminds me of Pure Steel. PS was the toughest pacer I ever saw. What a champion! - Very well-named, eh!

    When I was at Uni in Sydney yonks ago I used to go the Harold Park trots (as they were usually called, even though all-bar 1 race was for pacers) on a regular basis. I loved it but gradually my interest waned after I returned to country living after uni - no trots here! However, I still keep an eye on the big races, and to the extent that I knew the deeds of Blacks a Fake. Anyway, last year I popped into a café (takeaway mainly) in the smallish town of Boonah say 70kms south west of Brisbane. Before ordering I saw many photos of Blacks on the wall, and asked the lady (not young) serving me as to why they were there. It turns out that she and her hubby owned the café and also owned half of Blacks, right from the start. We had a great chat! What a horse he was!!

    I'll have to visit Albion Park again one day.
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