Prototypes of modern man, page-415

  1. 23,835 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Rest my case, 1. You haven't even a clue of the subject of around the last ten posts or so, and that Fact is VERY clear by your post bellow which in No way should have come from the latest post of mine, pretty much not related.

    2. I don't actually believe the above because surely your not that ????, so that means, your staying away from the foolishness and pork pies you spun during our prior debating.

    I'll say it again, it doesn't matter what I say, I need not say anything...the quoted verses describe the event that was promised to happen within the lifetimes of those present, the first generation Christians. They themselves believed it would happen as described, the return of Jesus in Power and Glory, in the clouds with the angels of heaven for all the tribes on earth to see, etc.

    The simply fact being, it did not happen. The first generation of Christians awaited the return of Jesus as described but they were disappointed.

    Now, you can carry on like the Drama Queen that you are but you can't change the facts. Nor are they my facts. This is simply what the bible described and promised but did not happen.

    So in short, you made an absolute clown of your self re - Transfiguration and that's fair enough, but the lies you spun to "try" and turn the blame on wotsup for you own stupidity, was CLEARLY one hec of a pork pie as PROVEN, SHOWN by your own post following my simplistic 2 line post, which you read and understood = End of Story.
    So that's what the latest posts have been about, as that sort of rubbish I detest and you know full well what it was about about, so stop playing dumb
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