PSC 7.14% 10.5¢ prospect resources limited

hehehe.... well, house did step in and took some from the final...

  1. 17,464 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 398
    hehehe.... well, house did step in and took some from the final runners.... good tree shake IMO.

    Well, your 5 cents will come in a not too far future I would think. My question is, do you really want to let them go at that level ?

    Don't think that's the type delivery that's coming....

    Yes, Gerry is giving money away for months now.... too easy... Plenty more to short over there now that 4 banks starting moving slowly... if the chinese start fire sales, Gerry will be in big big trouble IMHO.

    See what and if we get any interesting happening tomorrow... Friday.


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10.0¢ 10.5¢ 10.0¢ $64.04K 623.3K

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3 105000 10.0¢

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10.5¢ 294215 2
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Last trade - 15.07pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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