psychological or supernatural?, page-47

  1. 2,787 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 141
    That clears up the situation 100% now.

    "I give you permission to use what ever definition for God you want as long as you can explain so that other people can judge you for it"

    From this my robot understands that;

    1. In other words as follows, you believe that I am not free to define my own reasoning, without your permission.
    2. I have to explain my own definition of the most controversial and unproven topic that has caused the most destruction in the history of the world, in order to be judged by others.

    Obviously only from the words of the bible, relative to its very small geographical and populated region, that desires to overrule the prevailing paradigm at that particular time in history, could judgement be derived from the all compassionate creator.

    Philosophically the unconscious reason for your post was the energy of setting up others to be judged and convicted of guilt from ones sins as per the written words of the bible. Your intent being to cause these words into reality, so that u will feel like a re- creator of the written word, feeling like a good shepherd of the people, who mass together for seeking to better themselves.

    Initially without justifying your self, as u stand anew and want a discussion on wasting time and negativity, so u can get the advantage over others, by getting others to condemn one another through judgement, purely based on the small minded, religion of the biblical region and not the infinite, timeless, awareness from the open intelligence of the cosmos.

    Now that I have asked and u have opened up to revealing that your frame of reference is fixed to the bible, as a new convert, who wants to convert others, then my seriousness is confirmed. My philosophy on conversion is very serious, as I was a Catholic church goer, an alcoholic chain smoker, a purveyor of pornography, a physical striker of people who I trusted and double crossed me. A lost soul and a new convert and a converter of others, an enlightened being from non attachment to religion or others programming and a re-programmer of my own space, a goal setter and achiever and realisor of manifesting reality only from co creation.

    Essentially through life existence, realizing the folly of belief and the folly of cognizing only one God. The power of the folly of belief being the most common use of creation and manipulation of realization, whether conscious, subconscious or unconscious.

    Essentially a robotic, monkey minded, bio-electro-chemical reactor of infinite reprogramming adaptability and target setting and hitting. Seriously introverted and isolated from others subtle conversion tactics with deliberate feedback mechanisms in place for continuous improvement and realizations of optimizing and enhancing my own original experiences of disintegration and integration of the life force.

    Such is the seriousness of my freedom, that I thoroughly enjoy without being dependent on happiness. Or in your words, misery.

    Don't know why this response is so deep and serious, expect there must be a reason. There is a reason for everything, even make up and believing in what is not known. Please don't take this subjectively, as I write to express my new found skill of expression though writing words on a public forum, whereas previously I could not even speak or pay my own way. and would cry and get angry at my own incompetence and hypocritical life below the poverty line, at the mercy of others judgements.

    Even those in heaven are harshly dealt with if they are not content. There are many unhappy people in heaven. Reference; Satin,
    cursed by God, to live amongst all of us
    on earth.
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