PTX 1.85% 5.5¢ prescient therapeutics limited

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  1. 8,134 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3506
    Definitely, the Q&A sesh of 4 mins from 11 mins is what's of significance to existing holders.... afterall holders are holding and buying more based on thorough knowledge of what PTX is all about. Any developments of a corporate nature, I believe will set the domino effect in motion, for sure. Steve knows that too, of course, and is just itching with excitement to make it a reality by releasing it asap.

    Yeah, I get the impression that something is brewing but I think I recall it being more in context of CellPryme-A... if my memory serves me right. Either way, a spike on news will see the usual profit-taking but more sophisticated interests may enter depending on the nature of the news. The $1-1.50 prognosis is very much for the LT latent desire within all of us. The "Dare to Dream" by JF and ONJ come to mind, strangely enough!

    In the meantime, I am getting frustrated by the traders who are selling down on the ChiX and, with other hand, buying on the ASX. Aaargh... they've done this before and i get caught out waiting in the queue and then usually left like a shag on a rock at No 1 or 2 spot! Baaaastaaards!!! Lol confused.png
    Last edited by Shellbell: 15/08/22
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Mkt cap ! $44.29M
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5.3¢ 5.6¢ 5.3¢ $23.4K 430.2K

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2 19500 5.4¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
5.6¢ 77770 2
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Last trade - 15.14pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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