PTX 3.92% 4.9¢ prescient therapeutics limited

IMM just recently sprung a $60m cash raise despite doing a raise...

  1. 722 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 278
    IMM just recently sprung a $60m cash raise despite doing a raise at the end of 2020 and the CEO repeatedly saying the company had cash out to end of 2023. In their defence though they’re going to go into phase 3

    i remember an interview SYC did around end of 2018 that his plan was to sell Ptx-200 and licence Ptx-100. Clearly a lot has happened since then - but good results with the Ptx-200 AML might open the door for a partnership. That would hopefully put an end to any discussions on future cash raises
    Last edited by megamutts: 10/08/21
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