PEN 0.00% $1.35 peninsula energy limited

I personally can't see how the recent nuclear disaster in Japan...

  1. 2,848 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 144
    I personally can't see how the recent nuclear disaster in Japan will have any impact on the Deep Disposal Wells Permit and Aquifer Exemption approval process. They are totally separate issues. As long as PEN can show that they have complied with all the necessary requirements imposed by the WDEQ, there should be no problems.

    I can't think of any new requirements that the WDEQ may insist upon as a direct result of the Nuclear disaster in Japan. It would be very different if a major uranium mining accident happened instead, but it didn't. All IMO of course.

    This doesn't mean that PEN will not be affected at all by what happened in Japan however these risks should probably be discussed in separate thread.
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