"Yes you did get a bit confused in your calcs. It would work...

  1. 86,922 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "Yes you did get a bit confused in your calcs. It would work fine. You are simply pumping up from a lower holding tank to a higher holding tank and generating power when you reverse the flow. Don't get lost in the details."

    nope sorry - the engineering IS in the detail - as are the massive cost overuns of these things - that is EXACTLY why we have green renewable disasters -- ref. the latest report on your windfarms and their complete fails on reliability. (in summary, we spend a boatload of money and get diddly squat in return)

    just tell us if you mean to use the bottom 300 m or the top - it's a pretty simple question.

    "An energy provider would be ideal to finance it. ""

    Oh, would they - I am amazed they haven't done it already - there are plenty of empty holes in the goldfields eh? - all that potential just sitting there - wonder why they haven't thought of it?

    Imagine you are doing what you dream of doing in the stock market, buying low and selling high. The energy provider would buy energy when there is excess..."

    would they indeed? - where exactly from?

    "and it's cheap then sell it back when there's a demand and it's worth more."

    really, how facinating ------------- isn't that exactly the system you were railing against in Tasmania a while back?

    A system that brought crisis?

    " The government could also pay for it and run it as part of the grid as it currently spends billions to maintain that grid."

    wow - you do mean the WA government I suppose?

    whose debt is currently?????????


    I think you might want to get your hand off the economic lever here - the WA government can't afford to fix potholes in the road - let alone fund what would be the most expensive power system on the planet - and have the power sold at a massive loss to the mining industry who, unless it was dirt cheap would say - thanks, but no thanks - we can do that cheaper ourselves.

    let us not go down your usual fantasy non detailed tracks to power sources that are not yet invented or have working models -

    this IS an easy concept - but, the devil is most definitely in the detail - something you seem to avoid regularly

    we await a more in depth look at the economics of this wonderful idea of turning a big hole in the desert into a green gem

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