before the latest batteries for homes - I can see that it would...

  1. 85,970 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    before the latest batteries for homes - I can see that it would have worked to have a domestic/small system - if you had the right site - probably your own machine - pretty large - say a 20 tonner, existing power where you could have an excess - I could see that - but, boy - every single factor would have to be in place from my memory of when I looked at it - and, my place was close - but, perfect, close and no cigar are poles apart when it comes to power.

    to get that on a big scale - man, you are really up against it.

    for normal hydro - conditions have to be right to make it work - but, for pumped hydro - conditions also have to be right

    again - it's not only the technical and engineering that have to work - the biggest thing really is - at what cost.

    I looked at the Californian set up that plough talks about - it works - but, I seriously doubt if it would work in Kal - one look at the map tells you that the US grid is a different animal completely to outback Australia - you might as well be trying to work out a gig on the moon as compare the two of them.

    In a little system at home - you have total control of how you use the power and when etc. --- if something poops it's pants - you can handle things immediately without a heap of stakeholders clambering up your driveway - not so if you have customers --- ask the Hydro - in fact - ask the Tassie government how foreign industry thinks now compared to say 2 years back -- one disaster and the game has changed.

    lucky says that he knows a bit about it because he lives with it every day - fair enough - but, I called the Tassie crisis months and months before it happened - because I can count - and, I was right to within almost a week - and, I had a lot of grief on here early when people said what I was saying was BS - Tassie was dreadfully lucky we got early rain - talk about being saved by the Calvary - just in time. Only cost us a couple of hundred mil. in the end - still have 'massive' power bills though and have been the most expensive in Aus. over many many years.
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