Junglewoman,Glad to hear he is only 'irritated' from the...

  1. 7,761 Posts.

    Glad to hear he is only 'irritated' from the previous/current treatments.

    Not too sure about the cost comparison of horses -v- moggies and doggies. I've had a pup that died at 7 months of age but cost $7,000+ in treatment, and another rescued cat that cost over $1,700 in vet bills.

    One of my horses was healthy most of her life and only cost me farrier fees and the occasional tetanus injection.

    I think sometimes the country vets charge a bit less as they understand how much costs can relate to the value of the animal, particularly in the case of cows/sheep etc.

    I had a beautiful duck that had an abscess on her foot from iron shavings left around a shed and took her to a specialist bird vet, that visit cost $200.00+, but he certainly did fix the duck.

    The next duck that ended up with a broken wing, suffered the indignation of my home made body stocking sleeve to hold the wing in place. 8 weeks later she was unsleeved and the wing was set and fine.

    A girlfriend and I use a product that is available for $14.00 (a 1 ltr bottle) on a variety of horse, dog and cat ailments with extraodinary success. The ailments are bacterial or fungal related and we both swear by the ever increasing number of problems it eradicates, like rain scald, 'ringworm' (which is not actually a worm at all), festering wounds, seedy toe, etc.

    I also use it when raising seed to eliminate various fungal and bacterial attacks to the emerging seedlings.


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