putin bans aussie tucker, page-77

  1. 44 Posts.
    All this Putin bashing is overdone I think.

    If people would dig a bit deeper instead of swallowing the garbage on the evening news hook, line and sinker they'd realize there's a whole lot more to the Ukraine story than what they're being fed by the worlds' media.  I'd like to think this is a forum of people with a bit more of a critical mind than that.

    Within hours of MH17 being hit, blame is put on the East Ukrainian separatists by US politicians shooting off at the mouth, with nothing for evidence but questionable posts on social media, questionable intercepted communications with dodgy time stamps of supposed separatists admitting fault, and then followed up with low resolution images from a civilian satellite supposedly showing craters from rocket attacks.

    Where is the real evidence?  Where is the Air Traffic Control radio comms, which should have been able to be released within a day giving us a better picture of what went on, lost(?), where is the high res satellite imagery the US was able to show us in Iraq, but strangely hasn't been shown as evidence even though a military satellite was apparently overhead that area at the time?  (are those pictures of the cockpit of MH17, bullet (cannon) holes, or are they shrapnel from a Buk Missile? I don't know?)

    We need to question this more rather than lazily accepting what we're spoonfed on the news.  Remember the gas attack in Syria which John Kerry insisted was done by Assad's forces without a doubt as he beat the war drums?  (It took Putin to de-escalate what would have been a massive US bombardment on what turned out to be false "intelligence" and turned out to have been fired by the anti-Assad forces).  (I don't remember Kerry admitting he was wrong either!) Remember the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? (oh, that's right, they were wrong on that account too, but that didn't stop them.  Too bad the damage is done now, and Iraq is a basket case).

    I'm just very skeptical of the "Truth" as presented on the news, and I don't believe the anti Russian rhetoric being force fed to the world by the US dominated media.  Just give us some REAL proof, if it exists, before laying on this war starting propoganda.

    My condolences go out to the families of the victims of MH17, I don't in any way wish to condone what happened.  Instead I want to be sure of who's fault it is, before pointing fingers.

    I personally find what Dr Paul Craig Roberts, ex Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Ronald Reagan, and David Stockman have to say on the current state of play very interesting.  Having been in (US) government in the '80s, they have an interesting take on what is happening in the world.  Ron Paul is another who's views are a lot more credible than what I see on the news.


    That's just my opinion, hopefully no haters coming after me for that...
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